
How long shall we kill our students while we stand aside and look? Now, you celebrate what we can do ...that is can do as in graduate and read the poetry generation after generation and then on graduation, you ask them who do you think they will be in this society like a biblical but West Indian Sanhedrin from a town called 'Lighting' and maybe 'Brownin' but not 'Love you Son and daughter' while you tell every kid you meet whether they are or are not your own that they could be your children and that dey mus work hard and remember even when you muddah or your faddah might get a little angry that they love you and they are trying to just... show you the right way; you hear?..make good iguana walk wit you AND DE CREATOR TOO!' But, just like de Sanhedrin, you are really saying to de school graduate on the day after graduation day that your social authority is what you are worried about and I understand you see but then what is de point except but you want us to throw our papers away so that you might feel equal. But, then if you wish to impeach any other culture while you also pay twice to that culture for association while also suffocating your community's generational capability, then you are just throwing your own seed away and how do you know it is not your seed if you were made a father at twelve with a spoon of your early morning toilet watah? /What you are saying is you want association to that other culture and you might resent those around you who actually feared you and, by virtue of your thinking about ' show them we can do it', they did it maybe more than once in graduating from schools in America or in a Scotland but then you do not facilitate full use or any use of their skill with this idea that you must try and maintain a sense of independence but how independent could you be and who are you hiring to assist in the case R v. Savage or R v. Parmenter? But, in what you are doing, you can only be saying that you want some association while devaluing what association you have in the students and children who could be your children who honored you and the culture you honor in your impressive double payments to the Engineer or lawyer on the Clapham Omni bus, not the one sitting at the the Chinese Restaurant at de Sovereign Centre if you will see the point so what is the solution to this illogical but certainly good and emotional phenomenon but it can't really work and you know you will say it can't really be any good and you must see de point when de culture you are paying twice is really your culture; innit when you remember St. Andrews Parish since 1664?

Bien Sur Auto Route (TM)Television Warren Augustine Lyon Why try to kill...

Bien Sur Auto Route ChannelTM Ident Medium

Lexus ES (2019) Ready to fight German Sedans?

TVJ NEWS NIghtly-April/28/2018-Jamaica Prime Time News

Body's Found in Clarendon - TVJ Midday News - April 27 2018

JBC, Jamaican Retro TV Commercials {JBC TV} 1992

Driving thru Downtown Kingston Jamaica, 1984

Mass of 28th April 2018

Puerto Rico, Monaco Jamaica, Monaco....Day 5 (22.4.18) Bugatti Chiron, Veyron, Kegg 1:One, Enzo, 2x GT2 ...

Monaco Day 5 (22.4.18) Bugatti Chiron, Veyron, Kegg 1:One, Enzo, 2x GT2 ...

The Young man was a pastor and discreet about much of what he had to do until it was time to have a wife and afford one on his current Junior Pastor salary. He had four girlfriends but only one stayed with him and remained with him to enjoy his due time. She was just a friend at weddings and in public and they talked in public at coffee shops but would go home separately. He would visit her for tea at her mother's home once a month when her parents went to the Caymans to check on their car rental business and then they took opportunity to be liberal with their affections. Eventually, it became much wiser to go to the Long Bay coast and enjoy a small hotel for the day as managed by a family in the area while finishing a bible study manual delivery in the area when they had a brief moment to travel together. He would walk her to her car otherwise. He would sit with her in her car at the Chinese Buffet in the Barbican where they would eat and at the Jamaican Take out near Kingston 20; the one near the Total Gas Station. Big up! His regular post at a Church in Clardendon did come through, they had a small ceremony at the same church and then they bought one of the Town homes bordering Hell Shire beach and carried on with the joie de vivre!

Families, automation and basic income: Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a predictor of human behavior but if after all of the humble Gcse work and A level work, you can barely find a job in the world of automated labor, then if you do not have basic income, your hierarchy of needs is geared towards self preservation before you could ever think of starting a family yet you wanted to judge and accuse the current generations as not focusing on family while it would happen that if they had the basic income monies or oil community monies like other communities, they would focus on families and start families evidently. But, you cannot leave people in the gap caused by an absence of requisite basic income after a full socio-economic commitment to automated labor that includes automated cash registers, warehouse automation and robotic assembly and then expect them not to focus on self preservation as predicted by Maslow's hierarchy of needs.The purpose of the people may be quite evident to everyone. It is consumption; the trash compacting of all the .20 cent and $10.00 items coming off the assembly line; $10.00 items like the 32 inch television. All the stuff is trash really for compacting in the human life at some profitable margin in the calculation of human need so the human life is valuable as consumption in the calculation of profitable margins in the market made by basic income or market making income for consumption. Therefore, then all people are worthy of the finance given to refugees who come to the UK and some times the refugee has more grace in getting housing if he needed it than the average UK citizen but the refugee maybe is more exciting since someone still has to teach him how to say 'innit?' and how to be Anglo as someone all the way from Hyderabad but how can anyone be a refugee from Hyderabad or from Turkey these days? They know the value of human life as a market making widget in the basic income in the mass robotic Automation of labor. This is so and evident except to some people like the Anglo leader or Real maybe and what is the purpose of the Anglo if he is not valued around the world as a widget of consumption in the profit margins with basic income in the market making except but extermination according to Anglo political and economic leadership? We forgive the Anglo for not seeing this since we can see that he was bred to smoke cigarettes and eat certain sugars to kill himself faster than any other human being with gametes taken from the dead initially in 300 BC and who was bred as someone who would literally walk through this earth finding ways to enjoy life in killing himself softly; killing themselves softly. Now, if you had a leader like this with this dna, you would feel obliged to make them comfortable or is it do unto others as you would do unto yourself and this is kill your community softly; Selafield! Now, if I was a Roman hoping to transmit and fortify my culture going forward as of 2017 and right up to the year 3000, then once I have achieved my perfect Robotic industrial labor for everything that may include road building soon, then I would implement basic income Since we hold these truths to be self evident as seen in the written US constitution that all mouths and esophagus' are created equal and for the domestic tranquility, all citizens are enfranchised with basic income in their usefulness as market makers as widgets in the profit margins instead of relying on the Asian basic income holders as soldiers of fortune cookies, as market makers moving from one part of the world to the other with devastating effect when they leave.

Archie Bunker and the Doctor

Archie Bunker Defends His Maid

TUMI The Art Of Packing- For Men

Mass of 24th April 2018

Turbo Vette, built GT-R, TT Lambo - 3,700HP STREET RACE!

KSM Show- Yaa Baby, an American who speaks Twi, hangs out with KSM

BRAZIL Trip Adventures & Drone - Fortaleza, Sao Paulo & Rio

Day at Bertioga Beach in Sao Paulo

Quick City Overview: São Paulo, Brasil (HD)

Distant Drums - Raoul Walsh - Action Western Movies [ Fᴜʟʟ Hᴅ ]

Distant Drums - Raoul Walsh - Action Western Movies [ Fᴜʟʟ Hᴅ ]

China Expandable container house ---10 minutes one house!

China Expandable container house ---10 minutes one house!


FIRST R8 IN JAMAICA!!!!-NationVlog Special #43

We need another Radio human/Tower to lead the people in the Diaspora north of the tree line or the 49th parallel since who ever they sent up here seems to have decided that he would be the only one for 5 generations and he also asked them to cancel the basic income for all Anglos so that everybody would have to offer their teeth, their children and their grand children like he did just to enjoy hot and cold water but you have it in the West Indies so it seems it is to enjoy a many cold winters as possible. It seems he worked as a city manager and could not believe how anybody Brown could really own anything registered with the government in 1967. I think any West Indian up here has to be part eskimo. part Amerindian to be soo afraid under the suggestion of lawlessness as not to just tell him to go deh; weh!

GUADELOUPE - Filles super rapides (live drums - gwo ka)

Ghana's New Car: First locally made car being manufactured

007 Spectre (2015) - James Bond & Miss Moneypenny (HD)


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The issue is a Black White bond in a need in a dance to the self extermination in a dying need for identity yet beige and brown are more helpful, purposeful ubiquitous concepts for Descriptive purposes in saving the mocking bird in the absence of decision to fully absorb a strong umbrella culture that provides self esteem in trois ou cinq ou sept verre de pepsi since without any education, you are just monkey see monkey do as media addicts, hoping to emulate the most assertive male or female figures you see and really this is what you may see in your House of Representatives and the Congress with individuals who are in office but under prepared to speak and say what they have to have calculated as far as 2 for 1.00 in France is better than 1 for $1.00 or life in France without formal education or just high school at $80,000.00 euros in an automated economy is better than self hatred for the majority of citizens enduring life in the North America at zero basic income but you could have authority to take your risk at the bank window with some sympathy for what is not being done by your wiser elected and capable while Heat (1995) is not economic policy ; a definitive sense of identity where the more definitiveness of any culture adopted or that is ubiquitous in the more central aspects of your life fills the vacuum but your raggedy vacuous culture will still fall apart along with your country if you dont respect the simplest animalian cultural equation of family. All animals do it but a cat or dog in a city has been dissociated from its nature and could live with anyone who would feed it but above the tree line with few people, it chooses survival which may mean a family of wolves but family. The issue is the need that white has for black but black beneath it; not African,Jewish,Egyptian, and equal or above it, the diffidence, to know anything other than hunt and gather or hunt, blockade, ransom and pirate which says your white culture determining its right to piracy in the determined self under education which becomes a determined independence but which is really a dependency on producing cultures which does not deny your manual dexterity but it does demonstrate a consistent presumption to just take what you want or need when you cannot understand how to do it on your own and you seem to want to kill a black; I mean a brown guy who cannot understand how the train driver patted him on the head when he was taking the bus or train to school but who seems shocked to see the same kid four months after graduation day in a Mcdonald's manager's uniform where his eyes say 'who do you think you will be' and the Brown guy says you told me I would be dead if I did not show my humility so how is he not every self under-educated train driver's son so now all Afro hair people now call themselves Samoan Amerindian or African or African Amerindian since every one the Eastern hemisphere pitys the fool; the Western hemisphere. Either way, basic income was economically mandatory as of 1936 and FDR is our socio-economic hero as he implemented the policy but he was put into a war contrary to his intentions for an independent and thriving America although isolated from the jealousy and rape of the Herodians who brought their Masters and Johnson with Playboy shortly after raping America's self sufficiency before the war and continually there afterwards with a leadership hired in its insufficiency to solve the equations so who is the fool; the fool or the fool who follows it?

The issue is that you are seeking control over something in your life; some minimum sense of hegemony or territory but it is soo neanderthal in expression as you seem to act like your children will be taken away from you or that you are at risk if they are far away from you or not immediately in frozen or dead evidence in your control as your children while other cultures seek to thrive with children and celebrate once a week or often enough as to once a month but maybe you are feeling threatened at the present time as to why this is a necessary discussion in the immediacy , that you are begging to be understood, respected and honored in what you say is your boundary or your cultural territorial-ism as if someone offended you by taking your kid on a school trip or in being a town hockey coach but then you are behaving like a French vain courtier who is sick for acceptance; public acceptance and have adopted a false notion of the king; West Indian King where, in the end, all of your ability and intelligence is muted by your need for acceptance, some of you uh lets say white, some of uh black or Asian-ish but you speak no other language but English and shame in the self in your weak sense of identity and resentment as to the foreign culture while you are told to imagine what you should feel like or look like or feel like in the photos as you are a king and when Hollywood moves in one direction or the other as to pressure your sense of identity, you would be willing, it seems, in your need for acceptance to kill your whole town for a head rubbing from your faux and imaginary master who does not exist except but in your ego; altar ego and when the phone went from one camera to two cameras with all day anthropological streaming of all your movements, you became a vacuous soul in soo much fear of rejection while you were a pretty good human to raise children who have no missing toes or fingers and the piano lessons were good with a good teacher. But, you seem to want to bring the boy and make him offer whatever it is you offered or you try to block him to ensure he, first, understands what it is you need him to agree with while your concern is unspoken verbally but you are saying it at the risk of incarceration every day. So, is it that you want the boy to offer something right after he finishes the education you threatened him to finish while even after four degrees and diplomas you are are suggesting even more education but you don't know what to do with him except it seems keep in limbo while you could just design the marriage and family you say he has to have for your pleasure sans any registration or documentation? So, while you are not neanderthal, you, without full education, emote like one while getting credit for feeling sophisticated or submissive around the uh right people but you don't respect them or their work as you really are just a jumby in that regard. But, who, without education, would not emote like a neanderthal although while looking sophisticated except but those who educate themselves? Get a Time magazine or Life magazine subscription and understand the final denominator you were asked to understand instead of your dying to accept as slaves to a rhythm the mind set of self extermination where you do anything or try anything or eat anything or drink anything for acceptance. Yet, now in your culture, what ever it is, what ever they did to create you as nice West Indian who got it right most of the time to raise children but not really have a family after they become capable of having their own, you seem to want to say they will leave you but you will not leave them or that you need to be the only one who ever worked or had any position in the family as the only head of the family; a childish head of the family who is engaged in every crime to see himself and himself only even in the face of the creativeness he encouraged his children to pursue as engineers or architects and look at their patents or suggestions as it were such as a modularly designed and built space station as you build the pieces on earth and then launch them into orbit to be snapped together with all of the necessary wiring and the airlocks and portals with fuel cell power with hydrogen fuel as harnessed from human waste, urine and excrement for a smooth Aerodrome(TM) feel to it like your airport today , so exciting!; suggestions to bring the ice back to the arctic, ozone back to the atmosphere with airline fuel as infused with ozone producing chemicals since ozone is a chemical equation and that you switch to Geico; I mean to hydrogen to save billions on shipping the chinese made tvs and phones and other goods across the country since fuel is not an employee and nor is it an obligation and nor does it fuel consumption as you imagine while you say you need to do something and so do your people so give them basic income my white niggah and save Exxon's billions on production and just say Scallywagrindian if you must but get the hell out out of your self extermination and illogical diffidence in the white because you are just soo wealthy at ten times the profit in the switch to hydrogen boy or will you say you are a Chinese loyalist while your people die while you bring more Chinese people to fuel your markets with consumption? You are soo special my Scallywagrindian. No flesh is white now; is it and if it was soo important why don't you feed it and the black you need to be white since you need it; each other you black and white; right since you really don't know where you come from while you must study your HISTory!

Early 1950s Jamaica - Kingston Streets, Hope Gardens, Buskers, Rio Grande

The Sunday Mass - 3rd Sunday of Easter - April 15, 2018


The Bill Cosby Show s1 e14

Who, as an industrialist, would bet against the consumption he actually needs? You need the basic income! I bet 1000 chocolate bars will be sold tomorrow via 7/11 and with basic income, the number of chocolate bars sold will increase and the average numbers of buildings close to full rent will increase. I put this bet on an option on the stock market. So, we have 7/11 instead of 9/11 as of tomorrow with the good bet to ensure all citizens, status Indians and permanent residents have actually received their basic income at a minimum of $56,000.00 usd equivalent per annum for 2018. and your bet on consumption is good and much better than faltering airline stocks. Toyota will make more money when North America has basic income provided to every citizen, registered Native and permanent resident as actually provided to every citizen as enumerated as per national social insurance card, registered Native person and permanent resident as per the same id and this will certainly include all of the High School graduates and University graduates since their education has nothing to do with them buying a washing machine totally brand new whatever it is you do without education but with the family authority and several College applications but you never show up for the interviews in the US. The issue is under consumption with maximum mechanized productive capacity. The issue is the lack of basic income to satisfy production output to bring about sufficient sales and APPROPRIATE STABLE POPULATION IN occupation OF THE LANDS AND REGIONS FOR SAFE BUOYANT COMMERCIALISM INSTEAD OF COMMERCIAL DESERTIFICATION. The issue is to bet on growth with basic income since you already arranged for the consumption and the production instead of betting on a war or on the last day of America as a nation or culture being tomorrow. No. You want an America to compact and consume your productive Asian output for your many more and bigger profits. America is the production compactor. consumption compactor, trash compactor; the world's largest consumer of Ramen very soon maybe. Say yes to booya from downtown. You make da money man with so many more good and vely good fortune cookie orders for da restaurant! Sze Sze! You bet on the negative in 2001 as to airline stocks going down and the economy going down and see what it did. Your children are dead! See Casino Royale(2006). Also bet on the evident record breaking Ford sales, food and alcohol sales and Life magazine subscriptions and food sales. Life is tenacious. The death star was destroyed twice. Those who side with the mindlessness of the empire and punch people as public employees...the bus driver or peace officer before they go to Catholic church fail to see the empire is all around them like the force; innit? The Courtiers of Europe in all the Royal Houses were infiltrated by the Herodians who had also infiltrated Constantine's Rome since they do not believe anything could be so quiet. They want a debate...why should do unto others as we want them to do unto us...who is God? What is truth? The mystery of our faith becomes the involvement and coin not for worship but for association and then they were mostly kicked out of Europe and sent to the new world, bred a rat virus human orphan army and sent the orphans back to Europe by 1910. They reak havoc in your institutions and turn them into corrupt bastions and hollow shells of social and also economic deprivation and corrupt pools of mockery as to order, law and peace.

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The Factory Robots Building The Toyota Camry . But without consumption, you will get the desert of the real. Without basic income, you will not have enough consumption and you will witness first a depopulation of the locals and then a foreign occupation in your government's desperation and then they will say that half the population will be foreign or immigrant by 2020 simply because they will not put the basic income in as they rely on , to fill the gap in the economy, populations from other economies that have basic income.

The Sunday Mass - 2nd Sunday of Easter - April 8, 2018

The Sunday Mass - 2nd Sunday of Easter - April 8, 2018

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The Sunday Mass - The Solemn Mass of Easter - April 1, 2018 1h

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