
In Bustamente's biography, it is confirmed that he was a man of the people; that he did not have any formal education and he always put family first. Some of us have forgotten after Bob Marley released Exodus and we seem to act like we are to create poor relatives in our imagination before we give them a desk and $100,00 per week while we try to say we are up and those relatives are down whether or not they have formal education in our imagination to feel like the only successful one but this was not Bustamente's approach. The Exodus album did not mean that the young bumbuclot kill the old bumbuclot to take on the position as the abusers in the population who have the authority to set up a baptism at a traffic light or cut off some kid's arm after your darker wife cussed you. No!!!!!!. Bustamente's approach is a biblical exodus in attitude and psychology as he sought to follow China with $80.00 per month for every Jamaican in 1958. He was poisoned by a Larry.

It is the abominable sin to deny the power of God or any of His Miracles. The miracle of the Resurrection is that Jesus was crucified on the cross but if any denomination denies the crucifiction, then they are in the abominable sin. This is not an argument. But, the issue is that subsequent generations who were bible thumped in this dichotomy tend to want to add to the list of doubts about the immaculate nature of Christ and his miracles such that the denomination has hung their own progeny on a tree while Christ certainly died on a Cross. I really don't know any denominations like that but I saw a new Catholic convert argue about Jesus' death on a cross or a tree and as he argued for his death on a tree, it seems he contracted a disease, refused a blood transfusion and then his body was apparently found at the back of a High School as rolled up in a gym mat. I heard about it. Anyway, Warren is designing a modular space station where the pieces snap together (he's black!)that can take any shape really but we are vying for a polygon where two space shuttles can dock in the centre of it. Here; I'm a show ya! We can build anything we want this days; anything we imagine. Here; I'm a show ya! Now, Leefsland has failed as a hired son or as a genetic son when what he is really saying is that he is seeking acceptance instead of starting his own tradition; like Patek Phillipe! He did not hear! The only law in FRance as to children is that every one has to be a good hired son whether or not you were born in the palace at Versailles. Fais ton Comprend? Give anything you want to whom ever you want but do not seek acceptance or ask if you were rejected by trying to stand in someone else's will and intention when he knows who is children or relatives are while he may ave bought you a coffee once and when he invited you to usher or minister; you were too F"$%"king busy following Maggieot Linda or her shit with white written on it in a bottle in Port Anthony. Anthony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You also killed a lot of old Baptists and other Christians before you left so why do want anything from any Bishop or Christian to ask why you are rejected. You also threatened Lloyd, Rudy and Keith who were too little to bother and too old to deal with feeling a threat all day at their back door or when they would go to the outside toilet when you tried to jump them and now you tried to teach Victor to time it that he would run to catch someone coming out of the toilet but he never jumped anyone cooking at the stove. So, who won you nigga fight? I think the Blacker one did; the one closer to Accompong and Blackbeard than Sh$%t head like you. It's not too late. You could still try and tell Jamaica how you could be trusted with ATL's Vehicle books or ten vehicles or the Management office at the Liguana!


Sunday Mass!

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Life in Cuba 2017 - 4K (ultra HD)

Life in Cuba 2017 - 4K (ultra HD)

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